Coronavirus Update


Update December 2021

We have put in place measures designed to take care of our team members at Muntons and our partners in the supply chain. We have aligned our guidance with the UK Government's advice to ensure that we play our part in helping contain and delay the spread of the coronavirus.

Muntons' manufacturing operations are continuing as normal, and we are operating safely according to covid secure guidelines and at full capacity

New covid variant VUI-202012/01, Delta, Omicron: There is no evidence that Covid-19 or the new variant can be transmitted by food, only by persistence on surfaces or by fluid/aerosol transmission (coughing, sneezing etc.). It is expected that the new vaccines will still be effective against this new variant.

Please use your usual contact for customer service or quality, who will be happy to answer any individual detailed questions.

Muntons Crop Report April 2021

The grain team at our headquarters in Stowmarket has reviewed the current crop situation and released the following report.


To view full crop report Click Here

Master Brewers Podcast Episode 206: Practical Sustainability

In this Master Brewers podcast episode 206, host John Bryce talks with Muntons Technical and Sustainability Director Nigel Davies about practical sustainability and the carbon footprint of barley. Nigel Davies also shares some case studies and discusses how & why every brewery should take a practical approach to sustainability.

Follow this link to listen to the podcast…

Muntons Crop Review 2020

The grain team at our headquarters in Stowmarket has reviewed the year’s quality and quantity of the barley intake and we’re now able to report on our 2020 crop.

To view full crop report Click here

2020 Review and Thanks

As we wrap up our 99th year, we wanted to take some time to not only reflect on the achievements we’ve made and the obstacles we’ve faced, but also offer our gratitude and thanks to our customers.

We know this has been a very tough year for many businesses throughout the industries that we support. However, if it weren’t for you, our customers, we wouldn’t be about to embark on our centenary and we’re grateful for your loyalty and excited for our future together.

So, it goes without saying, but thank you!

Thanks to:
James Robinson, Eclipse Aerial Photography - Drone Footage
Tim Simpson Photography

Malt versus Sugar – What are the issues in relation to nutritional content and health claims? By Dr Nigel Davies, Director of Technical and Sustainability, Muntons, UK

The Sugar Dilemma -

There is a growing lobby of people seeking to control the amount of sugar included in a balanced human diet. Often when one component of the diet is singled out for attention those involved in nutritional or medical research take strongly entrenched views that are difficult to understand for those buying food products. Where advice seems most compelling it is often reinforced with legislation. However, we are all aware that advice can change quite dramatically over a short to medium term time scale. Currently there is talk or introduction of legislation in sugar in different countries around the world. The so-called sugar tax in the UK is a good example of this with a clear target of having a maximum of 5% free sugars in food for human consumption. For manufacturers making products which are covered by the legislation it would be easy to try to be defensive and look for alternative research that refutes the need for restricted use. However, for malted ingredients there is a much more positive message to publicise: that malt is healthy and wholesome, contains a natural source of sugar together with an impressive range of additional nutritive benefits.


To view the full report - click here

An important message to our customers and channel partners.

On Saturday 31 October, Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, announced that as of Thursday 5 November, England will be placed under a second COVID-19 lockdown. These measures will last at least until Wednesday 2 December.

Muntons’ manufacturing operations are not affected by these new rules and we will continue to operate safely according to COVID-19 secure guidelines and to full capacity.

Team members who can work from home have been and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Our priority is to make sure our colleagues remain safe during these difficult times.

For further updates, please contact your sales manager or visit our website.

We hope that you, your teams and families continue to stay safe during this time.

Muntons Invest in New Energy Centre

Generating energy locally...

Working in conjunction with AMP Clean Energy, Muntons, the Stowmarket based malt and malted ingredient manufacturer, has signed an agreement to install a new Energy Centre at their site in Stowmarket.

The new energy centre will be located in the North-West corner of their site and will include a Biomass boiler, a gas-powered combined Heat and Power generator and two, back-up, gas-powered boilers.

This new facility will provide virtually all of their site’s future steam, heat and electricity requirements, whilst also significantly reducing their carbon footprint.

Mark Tyldesley, Muntons Group Managing Director commented: “We have recently installed a Biomass heat and energy plant at our maltings in Bridlington in Yorkshire, and have already seen significant benefits, including a dramatic reduction in our carbon footprint.  So much so, that with our new plant at Stowmarket this will bring us in line with our science-based target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 45%, based on 2010 levels by 2025.”

He continued: “We are delighted to be able to celebrate another major milestone in the history of the site at Stowmarket and look forward to a bright future of sustainable energy supply of which we can all be proud.”

Work on the new facility will begin shortly and it is anticipated that the new Biomass plant will begin generating heat and electricity for Muntons from early spring next year.



Photo of Muntons biomass plant at Bridlington – Source: Muntons

Message about 2020 events

The Coronavirus Pandemic has made 2020 an exceptionally difficult year for all of us, our families, our friends and for our businesses. We, and others in our industry, have had to make some difficult decisions to ensure that we are all protected from the covid-19 virus.  Amongst the precautions which have proved necessary has been the cancellation of some historically important exhibitions and trade fairs.  Events that have decided to remain open will inevitably suffer from dramatically reduced footfall as social distancing requirements are enforced.


It is with regret that we must share with you our decision not to attend or exhibit at this year’s Brau, FI Asia or FI Europe.  These events have always proved to be enjoyable and fruitful, providing an excellent opportunity to enjoy spending time with our business partners, perhaps over a drink, where the benefits that working together can bring.  We are hopeful that things will return to normal soon but in the meantime we will ensure that we remain in contact with our customers, suppliers and trade partners through virtual meetings. Please do let us know if you would like us to schedule such a meeting.


If you would like to know more about Muntons, our products or just want to know what we are doing, please follow us through social media, on Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram or twitter or visit our website where you will find our latest news

Secretary of State for International trade discusses Brexit deal with Muntons

On Friday 4th September Liz Truss the Secretary of State for International Trade along with Muntons local MP Jo Churchill visited the company to meet with Mark Tyldesley, Muntons Managing Director, and Neil Pearmain, Muntons Ingredients Sales Director, to discuss concerns over possible Brexit outcomes.

During the course of the visit, the Minister was given a tour of the site and in particular the new germination boxes and evaporator three, two areas where significant sums have been invested to ensure Muntons readiness for the future. Liz Truss was accompanied by her special advisors and their film crew, who covered the event through their social media platforms.

Liz Truss offered strong words of support for the company, stressing that she wanted a Canada style deal which would allow the UK to continue to export to the EU tariff free and allow the EU to export to us. She is seeking removal of the US tax on Scotch Whisky and is looking to formalise the existing terms with japan whereby our customers don’t face import duty on malt.

Mark Tyldesley emphasised that although there was uncertainty over the final outcome of the Brexit negotiation, Muntons sees these as short-term issues and that the company is strong enough to get through this without a problem.   He stressed we are looking for reassurance that the Government understands the impact a no-deal Brexit would have on industry, and in particularly on our malted ingredients business.

Kim Riley, chief reporter for BBC Look East, interviewed both Mark Tyldesley and Liz Truss in preparation for the coverage aired on Friday evening’s Look East news programme.  During the course of the two-minute prime time coverage, Muntons site and production areas were clearly in evidence and Richard Platt, Muntons senior food technologist, demonstrated some of the extensive range of malted ingredients made by the company.

Sarah Chambers, reporter for the East Anglian Daily Times, also attended with their photographer, capturing the occasion both on camera and in video. click here to read the full coverage and view their video.


Photo Source: EADT photographer BRITTANY WOODMAN

Muntons make more than malt

Making malt is not enough for one UK maltster.  Muntons based in Stowmarket, Suffolk, have just announced that they have reached a genuine milestone having generated 10 million Kilowatt hours of electricity since opening their Anaerobic Digester (AD) plant in 2015, enough electricity to power 2,000 average sized homes every year.

Muntons AD plant has been operational since January 2015 making Muntons the first maltster in the UK to take this bold step for increased sustainability. Not only does it generate electricity, it also makes significant reductions in road haulage.  By using their own process waste water, residues from the processing of barley into malt and malt extract, they have saved the equivalent of 3,000 tonnes of Greenhouse gas emissions. This substantial saving is the equivalent of the emissions from 1,600 cars every year.

The Muntons AD plant doesn’t only produce electricity, a by-product of the process is a high quality digestate, or bio-fertiliser, which can then be used on local farms to enrich the soil, helping to ensure top quality crops are grown ready to be malted. It really is full circle sustainable thinking in action.

Nigel Davies, Muntons Director of Technical and Sustainability commented: “Our decision to build an AD plant has proved to be well founded, making a valuable contribution to our energy requirements.  Generating energy locally is efficient and environmentally sound, and the positive impact on nature is significant, reducing greenhouse gasses and helping to enrich the soil on local farms.”

Muntons have calculated that since the plant was commissioned, they have produced 5,606,175 cubic metres of biogas.  They have also treated 411,000 cubic metres of waste water, which is then safely introduced into the river Gipping to help keep the fish swimming and the river flowing.

Muntons leads the way in sustainability

Muntons is proud to be the first maltster to commit to the Food Waste Reduction Roadmap coordinated in the UK by WRAP, a not for profit organisation and IGD research and training charity. Muntons, the malt and malted ingredient manufacturer based in Stowmarket, Suffolk, have long been recognised as the leader in sustainability within the malting industry and with this initiative are expanding their leadership further by also helping to champion sustainability in the food industry.

Muntons food waste is minimal at 0.51% but the ethos of looking for any waste reduction opportunity and sharing our actions through case studies is consistent with their company values. An increasing number of businesses, now representing over 60% of the UK food and drink sector by turnover, are adopting the approach designed to ‘Target, Measure, Act’ on food waste;  critical to the UK achieving national targets of a 50% food waste reduction by 2030 across the whole food chain.

To meet these national and global targets, a collaborative and concerted effort to reduce food waste is required.   This will focus on the prevention of food surplus and waste being generated in the first place, redistributing surplus food that does arise and diverting surplus food which cannot be used to feed people into animal feed and high value biomaterial processing.

Muntons Director of Technical and Sustainability Dr Nigel Davies says “Muntons is pleased to promote the Food Waste Reduction Roadmap as a proactive focus with measurable outcomes. We are proud to continue to take the lead in the malting supply chain in adopting a practical sustainability ethos described here as: Target, Measure, Act.”  He continued: “The agricultural supply chain uses valuable natural resources to create highly nutritive food yet globally at least 30% of that food is wasted before it gets to the consumer and then after it is taken home. Muntons is a strong supporter of the UN SDG’s and pleased to join the growing number of supply chain partners who think positively about a sustainable future that starts right now.”

Peter Maddox, WRAP Director, said: “The link between food waste and climate change is something we can no longer ignore. Globally, around a third of all food is wasted and the IPCC estimated that food waste contributed nearly 10% of all man-made greenhouse gas emissions, between 2010 and 2016. Having the support of companies like Muntons is crucial in helping to mitigate against this problem through their own actions, and by engaging with their customer base. We are delighted that Muntons is supporting the UK Food Waste Reduction Roadmap in this way and will work with its clients to influence change. We would encourage others to follow its lead.”

Anne Bordier, Charity Programmes Director at IGD, said: “I am delighted that Muntons has become the latest business to support the Food Waste Reduction Roadmap, joining us on this incredibly important journey to reduce food waste. IGD and WRAP continue to work very closely with all the companies signed up to the Roadmap, giving them the tools to understand how they can measure and reduce food waste. Our industry has made great strides on this important issue, but we are not complacent – we recognise there is more we can, and will, be doing in the future.”


Notes to editor

IGD and WRAP led an industry-wide programme to develop the Food Waste Reduction Roadmap consulting with businesses, trade bodies and others from agriculture, food production and manufacture, retail and the hospitality and food service sector.

IGD is a research and training charity which sits at the heart of the food and grocery industry. It has a trading subsidiary that provides commercial services. The profits from these commercial services fund the charity. As a charity they exist to upskill people working in or looking to join the food and grocery industry and manage initiatives driven by research and best practice relating to science, technology or economics in the food industry.



Coronavirus Update



The measures we have put in place are designed to take care of our colleagues at Muntons and our partners in the supply chain. We have aligned our guidance with the UK government advice to ensure that we play our part in helping contain and delay the spread of the coronavirus.

To read Muntons Coronavirus statement click here

Dr Nigel Davies
Director of Technical and Sustainability
+44 (0) 7786 336820
7th April 2020

Yeast Is A Brewer Too

In the current climate of Covid19 and national lockdown we at Muntons have been contacted by our partners in the brewing industry to support them with solutions to keep one of their most valuable employees alive. I’m of course speaking about every brewers’ house yeast, that needs to be fed with wort on a regular basis to ensure its vitality and cell count is always raring to go. In many breweries the management of the house yeast is a critical aspect of the business, with some breweries having reached generation numbers in the thousands.  


Several of our customers have been forced by the current circumstances to stop production of wort and beer. This situation has led to some brewers having to come in on a weekly basis to brew short runs just to keep the yeast fed. We have investigated the suggestions made by brewers, engaging our own experts in the fields of brewing and liquid malt extract production and have found our brewing extracts to be highly suitable for growing yeast. We are currently looking into the best setups to enable optimal yeast growth with a minimum amount of staff and time spent on site.  


A solution we are currently looking at is setting up a sterile FV next to a yeast management FV. The idea is to make a dilution of malt extract in water and boil it for 30minutes to ensure it is sterile. This solution could then be pumped into a sterilised FV via the heat exchange. The FV will need to be sealed to ensure no bacteria or wild yeast can enter. The temperature in this FV should be set to 5 -10C to keep the wort in good condition.  


A few hundred litres of wort could then be transferred via a clean pump and pipework to a second FV. If possible, the transfer would go via the oxygenation line to up the O2 level in the wort. This would then be left at 18 - 23 C for a 2-3 days this depends on every brewers’ house yeast behaviour. You will know how long your lag phase is before fermentation kicks in and how long fermentations tend to take to start dropping. To be more scientific, you can measure the gravity of the fermenting wort and when it starts dropping you will want to go to the next step. 


At this point we would suggest dropping the temperature to about 15C to slow down the yeast a bit and dropping out the fermenting wort until the yeast layer appears. Then after sanitising the equipment add more wort from the boiled wort tank into the yeast FV and give it another 2-3 days again you will know best how long your yeast will need. 


When the boiled wort tank runs out you should have a large volume of viable yeast that you can pack into you preferred yeast storage containers. You will be able to rack the yeast from a racking valve after dropping the fermented wort out of the system, thus removing the potential dangers off top cropping. This also requires far less volume in the tank as you won't need to fill the tank to the top. 


Pack some of the yeast into your standard yeast storage containers and then as soon as you reach the maximum cold storage time you are comfortable with, repeat the process.  

This process would enable a single person to keep the yeast going. It will also reduce the amount of time spent on site working alone and especially reduce the amount of time spent on ladders cropping yeast. 


The entire process can be run on a small scale should you have the equipment. This would also remove the requirement of boiling the dilution as you could make a new one every time you need to add oxygenated wort to the yeast. We will continue looking into ways of supporting our partners throughout the brewing industry in these difficult times to keep breweries and team members going with technical brewing support and creative new ways of applying our knowledge.

For more information on Muntons malts or if you have a technical brewing enquiry, then please contact 


Muntons Sponsor 2020 National Bakery Awards

Muntons are proudly sponsoring the 2020 National Bakery Awards!

Open to all bakeries throughout the UK, both retail and wholesale, the National Bakery Awards celebrates your hard work. Those entering need to choose their best individual site within the business – be that a production bakery or retail shop – with our judges choosing the best County Winners from across the UK.

The County Winners will then be crowned at a glamorous red carpet celebration at 30 Euston Square, London on Wednesday 11 March 2020. What's more, each bakery will also be in the running to be crowned a Regional Winner on the evening, as well as the overall National Bakery of the Year.

For more information about the competition and for the application form, please visit  

To enter for free of charge, please contact

£6.4 million investment in new Peating Plant

Muntons the malted ingredient and malt manufacturer based in Stowmarket Suffolk and Bridlington in North Yorkshire has officially opened a new £6.4 million Peating plant in Yorkshire.

The plant is situated in a remote rural area in the Yorkshire Wold around an hour from our Bridlington maltings which produces over 100,000 tonnes of malt a year.  Green malt (partially germinated barley) from the Bridlington maltings will be sent for final kilning and incorporation of the peated flavour (defined as phenol) to supply the growing whisky businesses globally.

There is strong demand for peated malt as whisky sales continue to grow and this new plant is already attracting advance orders from customers, old and new. The plant is forecast to produce up to 12,000 tonnes of peated malt a year of varying strengths of phenol to match specific customer demands. It will be predominantly supplied in three strengths, heavily peated, medium peated and lightly peated. and Customers will be able to purchase from Muntons both whole or crushed peated malt, in sacks, totes and bulk.

The authentic flavour of peated malt will be produced and blended at our site at Tithe Top, Yorkshire using peat from Scotland.  The site uses a reed bed to clean the water discharges and liquid petroleum gas to avoid having to disturb the landscape installing new gas pipelines. Costing £6.4M it is another significant investment from Muntons as part of a £65M programme to expand capacity to meet demands from our existing and growing customer base.

Mark Tyldesley, Muntons Managing Director commented: “It has been over 30 years since Muntons has launched anything of this scale in the UK, so this is particularly exciting for us. Our ambitious expansion plans are well on track and it’s great to see the new peating plant already producing some very successful product trials.”

This new production facility means that Muntons will be looking to recruit five more production operatives within their production area over the course of the next few months.



Muntons launch EasySour™ to the craft brewing market

Beer drinkers these days seem to be drinking less but drinking better, served by the growing number of craft breweries and the increasing diversity of beer styles on offer to the beer aficionado.  Amongst the raft of delicious new beers available is a steadily growing trend towards beer ‘sours’ which have proved to be particularly popular in the USA.

As a major supplier to the growing craft brewing movement, Muntons, the Stowmarket based malt and malted ingredient manufacturer, have just released an innovative new product to help brewers make these sought-after sour beers with the minimum of fuss.

According to Garrett Oliver of Brooklyn Brewery in the USA, sour beers are less than one half of one percent of craft beer but they are 95% of what craft beer fans talk about now because they are fascinating and delicious and have captured the moment.

For the brewer to brew ‘soured’ beers a combination of bacteria, wood and time are essential. Using traditional Belgian style lambic brewing techniques can be problematic for the craft brewer, tying up brewing vessels for lengthy periods as the tart, soured flavours have to round and mature before the beer is ready to serve.

Muntons have developed an innovative new product they call ‘EasySour™’ to simplify and speed the process, reduce cost and remove risk.  Their new product is designed to be added either during or after fermentation and introduces the refreshing ‘soured’ taste without the need for extended storage or the risks associated through the use of bacteria within the brewery.

EasySour™ is made predominantly from Muntons malt extract blended with ingredients to safely and swiftly achieve the souring effect in a vast range of beer styles.  Soured beers are proving particularly popular with athletes looking for a post-activity, thirst quenching beer.

Fabian Clarke, Muntons New Product Development Brewing Technologist commented: “Easysour™ is so simple to use; it’s perfect for the craft brewer looking to brew soured beers in a quick and fool-proof way.  This is without doubt one of the most innovative brewing products on the market today.” He continued: “I would be happy to provide samples and more information to any brewer wanting to delve into this rapidly growing market segment.”


Muntons customers take top honours

Muntons gain AEO status

£4.5 million investment at Stowmarket plant

Muntons take full ownership of their Thailand plant