Current Job Vacancies

As we expand, so our requirement for quality personnel to join our team increases. Details of any current opportunities appear below. Here at Muntons we are keen to support the development of our staff and offer opportunities for personal development and training, so they can grow as we grow.

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The Company’s production processes operate in accordance with BRC Food Factory hygiene requirements. As such, all jewellery including rings, chains, watches, earrings or body piercings etc. are prohibited from being worn in any production, packing or despatch areas of the factory. Additionally protective equipment including hair nets and if appropriate beard snoods are required to be worn in these areas.

The Company also operates a complete ban on smoking in any building, site or vehicle owned or controlled by the Company and takes a zero tolerance approach to breaches of this policy. Equally the Company does not permit the use of electronic cigarettes or nicotine inhaler devices. Most shifts are of 8 or 12 hour duration with little or no opportunity to leave site during the working day. If you smoke and cannot abstain from smoking for this period of time, please carefully consider the appropriateness of any application you make for employment with us.

If you require any further information please email: