
The craft beer revolution took the brewing industry by storm, with beer styles, hop and flavours combining to offer beer lovers around the opportunity to try something new, every time!

Our Tap Room Series is a unique collection of our master-brewer’s creations. We will only ever brew a single batch of each recipe, making each one truly limited-edition. With new launches coming at multiple times of the year, we’re sure to have your taste covered.

Tap Room’s unique approach to homebrew does not stop there. True craft beer requires champions uniqueness and individuality. That’s why each of our labels are designed by a different beer-loving artist. Once briefed on the beer style and the flavours within, they have full creative control! An introduction to our artists can be found on each of the kits, be sure to check it out!

Let us know which kit is your favourite and suggest future styles on our Facebook and Instagram @MuntonsHomebrew.

Guava Pale Ale
A long time ago using Galaxy hops from far, far away… the Muntons Homebrew team created our latest taproom sensation, a Guava Pale Ale that is out of this world. Drinkers can enjoy a pleasant smo
Belgian Wit
Dating back to the 14th century, ‘Wit’ is a style of beer that originates from Belgium. You’d be forgiven for thinking that this style of beer gets its name from the inclusion of wheat, but the
Raspberry Sour
Sour beers date back to eighteenth-century Belgium. However, there is a hot debate on which came first: using Brettanomyces yeast to create tart and funky flavours, or poor sanitation and a poor under
Vienna Lager
In 1841, Anton Dreher became the “King of Beer” when he revolutionised brewing by combining lightly kilned (Vienna) malt with lager yeast. In doing so, he introduced a toasted, clean, and crisp be
Peach To Their Own
Peach Flavoured IPA - Peaches are thought to have originated in China around 12,000 years ago! When Alexander The Great conquered Persia, he took peach seeds to Europe, marking the introduction of the
One In A Melon
Watermelon Sour Beer - Sour beers date back to Eighteenth-century Belgium. However, it is a hot debate what came first: using Brettanomyces yeast to create tart and funky flavours, or poor sanitation
Higher Ground
Coffee Flavoured Porter - Porters originated back in 1722 and get their name from London street and river porters who took a likening to the bold flavours. Higher Ground takes this style to a new leve
Simply The Zest
Lemon Radler - Radler (meaning ‘cyclist’ in German) was a style invented in Deisenhofen, Germany back in June 1922. A local inn keeper created a bike-trail from nearby Munich to his tavern, attrac

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