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Malted Barbecue Ribs

Malt introduces a depth of flavour to the sauce helping the tomatoes and spices intensify into one rich, sublime blend. As a marinade it also provides an appetising shine and tenderises the meat.
Preparation Time
Less than 15 minutes (+ time 30-60 minutes marinating)
Cooking Time
Approx. 60 minutes
Skill Level
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1 teaspoon olive oil
½ a small onion – finely chopped
3 garlic cloves – crushed
100ml malt vinegar
2 teaspoons mustard powder
2 teaspoons smoked paprika
2 tablespoon tomato puree
1 can chopped tomatoes
150g dark brown sugar
1 tablespoon malt extract
1 pack of pork ribs


soft. Add the malt vinegar and all the other ingredients and bring to a gentle simmer. Keep on a low heat and simmer for around 10 minutes until the sauce has reduced slightly, the sugar has fully dissolved and the sauce has started to thicken.

Using a blender, mix until fully smooth. Massage the sauce onto the ribs and leave to marinate for around 30-60 minutes before roasting in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for 30-35 minutes or over a barbecue until cooked and slightly charred.

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