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Meet John, our Malt Sales Executive who has recently joined the team. John looks after our UK sacked malt for England & Wales. He has spent the past few weeks touring some of the local breweries, visiting our Stowmarket Maltings & attending this years Yorkshire barley walk.

Today marks our century-held tradition of celebrating the first season's barley harvest at our Stowmarket maltings where we write the first day of harvest on a pillar, a tradition that we have continued since 1978.

#harvest #2024harvest #seedtosip


Institute of Food Technologists (@IFT ) 2024 - That’s a wrap!

We had a fantastic time meeting with other industry leaders and customers, giving us the opportunity to showcase our cost saving coco replacing ingredients.

#IFT #madewithmuntons


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Cover for Muntons Malt
Muntons Malt

Muntons Malt

At Muntons we have a passion for malt. Driven by quality, innovation & sustainability our malts and extracts are made in the UK with the brewer and distiller in mind. Our experts, innovation centre, micro-brewery are on hand to help with anything you need

3 days ago

Meet John, our Malt Sales Executive who has recently joined the team here at Muntons. John looks after our UK sacked malt for England and Wales. He has spent the past few weeks settling into his new role, touring some of the local breweries, as well as visiting our Stowmarket Maltings, spending time with our team in the Mill, and attending this years Yorkshire barley walk.Check out our socials on Friday to find out more about what John has been up to and what he's most excited for in his role at Muntons!#meettheteam #maltsales #MadeWithMuntons #magicofmalt #malt #maltster #grain #Barley #craftmalt #maltedbarley #malting #craftmalting ... See MoreSee Less
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5 days ago

Today marks our century-held tradition of celebrating the first season's barley harvest at our Stowmarket maltings where we write the first day of harvest on a pillar, a tradition that we have continued since 1978.Get in touch for our early review of the 2024 harvest and what this could mean for you.#2024harvest #harvesttime #harvest #seedtosip #MadeWithMuntons #magicofmalt #malt #maltster #grain #Barley #craftmalt #maltedbarley #malting #craftmalting ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

A great day celebrating across all our UK sites for our prestigious Kings Award in Sustainable Development with a delicious High Tea! It was a fantastic event and a great opportunity for everyone to come together and mark the achievement.It is thanks to all of our collective efforts over the past few years and continued drive as world leaders in sustainability, that we are able to receive this Royal recognition.#kingsaward #sustainabledevelopment #hightea #MadeWithMuntons #magicofmalt #malt #maltster #grain #Barley #craftmalt #maltedbarley #malting #craftmalting ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Last week, our Managing Director, Mark Tyldesley proudly attended a reception at Windsor Castle for The King's Award For Enterprise 2024, hosted by His Majesty The King.We've been recognised for our excellence in world leading sustainability initiatives, with monumental efforts taken to reduce our environmental impact both up and downstream, including farms growing barley. This year, we were one of only 29 businesses were recognised for their Enterprise in Sustainable Development.This award is a testament to the many years of hard work by all our team here at Muntons, challenging what is possible in our industry to make a real difference in sustainability.Image credits: Zoom Photography Limited.#seedtosip #MadeWithMuntons #magicofmalt #malt #maltster #grain #Barley #craftmalt #maltedbarley #malting #craftmalting ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

We had an amazing time yesterday with The Institute of Brewing & Distilling in Yorkshire for their annual barley walk, an insightful event for all the local brewers and distillers. A special thanks to all of those who joined, it was great hearing about the growing stages of barley and how this years conditions affect the crops.#seedtosip #instituteofbrewinganddistilling #barleywalk #madewithmuntons #magicofmalt #malt #maltster #grain #barley #craftmalt #maltedbarley #malting #craftmalting ... See MoreSee Less
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