Vienna Lager

In 1841, Anton Dreher became the “King of Beer” when he revolutionised brewing by combining lightly kilned (Vienna) malt with lager yeast. In doing so, he introduced a toasted, clean, and crisp beer that would grow to become one of the most popular beer styles across the continent. Our version: MaltZeit is made with 100% Vienna Malt, keeping it as true as possible to Anton’s vison for the style almost 200 years ago. It’s smooth, malty, and slightly toasted notes provide a crisp European lager enhanced by the included 30g Hallertau dry hops pellets. Makes 35 pints of approx. 5% ABV lager. Requires the addition of 1kg Muntons Spraymalt or brewing sugar (purchased separately).

Product Details

Product Code
Weight (Kg)
Brewing Volume (L)
ABV approx (% vol.)
Hop / Key Ingredient
30g Hallertau hops
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